



3. April, 2013

NG gets front-page coverage in leading national science weekly Teknisk Ukeblad

1. February, 2013 - Bladet Vesterålen

The Municipal Executive Board ("formannskap") of Sortland unanimously votes to approve landowner agreement with Norwegian Graphite AS ("NG"). The agreement grants NG rights to exploration and extraction of landowners minerals including graphite on properties owned by the municipality including the historic Jennestad Graphite Mines in Sortland.

16. November 2012

A ground EM geophysics programme has been completed in Sortland, and the trenching of the identified anomalies commenced today. In each of the 3 initial trenches completed we found rich graphite outcrops, such as This One.

27. September 2012  -  Bladet Vesterålen

Geology master-degree students from Åbo Akademi in Finland are are initiating a 3-week field study of the Hornvatnet - Jennestad - Vikeid areas of Sortland as part of their Master Thesis.

26. September 2012  -  Framtia, Meløy

Meløy Graphite AS being established to evaluate feasibility of restarting historic graphite extraction and production near Rendalsvik, Meløy. Company awarded NOK 700.000 grant to assess feasibility.

23. August 2012 - Vesterålen Online

Formannskapet i Sortland behandler torsdag i neste uke forespørsel fra Norwegian Graphite om å kunne drive undersøkelser etter drivverdige grafittforekomster med tanke på regulær drift, samt utvikling av egen unik teknologi og produkter basert på denne driften.

27. Juni 2012  -  Bladet Vesterålen

Norwegian Graphite AS lanserer planer for leting og mulig utvinning av flak-grafitt i Sortland, Vesterålen.

Grunneier Inge Jensen ser muligheter til lokale arbeidsplasser og bygging av attraktiv infrastruktur.


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 N. Frydenlund Alle 6C, NO-8400 Sortland, Norway  •  Gen. inquiries tel. +47 97 68 15 00